The date of the battle was the fifth of the hijri calendar. The place of the battle was in AlMadinah. The reason for the battle was because Qoraish wanted to get revenge on Muhammad for winning the battle of Uhod. The two sides of the battle were the Muslims and AlAhza'b (Qoraish/ the Jewish/ and the Arab Tribes). A man named Sulman Al-Farisy told the prophet Muhammad to dig the trench in the direction of attackers (which was towards the north). In the end the Muslims won the battle due mainly to 3 reasons: 1 - Digging the trench//2-A powerful wind came down upon the enemy tribes/3-A man named Na'eem bn masood had secretly converted to Islam and by instruction of the prophet Muhammad, he kept it a secret and went on to bring conflict between the Jewish and Qoraish.